Tile has been a popular choice for showers for a long time.

No question about it, tile can offer a beauty that is difficult to match, and tile showers can be very cost-effective as well.

However, there are a few problems that come along with using tile in a shower. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of tile, as well as some of the potential pitfalls that you'll want to be aware of. The Beauty of Tile in a Shower

One of the main reasons that people choose tile for their shower is the beauty it can bring to the space. Tiles come in a wide variety of color, pattern, and texture, which means that you can create a look that perfectly matches your style and taste. Whether you want something modern and sleek or something more traditional and warm, there's a tile out there that will work for you.

Tile can also be a cost-effective option for a shower. While some types of tile can be expensive, there are plenty of affordable options available as well. Additionally, tile is durable, which means that it will last for many years. This makes it a good investment for your home. However, there are several disadvantages that you will want to consider. These disadvantages are turning more and more people away from tile as an option for a walk-in shower solution.

The Problem with Cleaning and Maintaining Grout

One major disadvantage of tile is that it's not easy to clean and maintain. If you clean and seal the grout on a yearly basis, you can avoid the fading, mold and discoloration that is common in grouted shower. Very few, however, actually put this kind of time and money into a shower once it is already installed. This makes it a less-than-ideal option for those who don't want to spend a lot of time cleaning their shower.

The Problem with Cracking Grout

One of the most common problems with tile in a shower is cracking grout. Grout is the material that is used to fill the gaps between the tiles, and it can crack over time due to age, water damage, or movement in the house. When grout cracks, it can allow water to seep into the wall or floor behind the tile, which can cause serious damage.

Water Intrusion

Another potential problem with tile in a shower is water intrusion. If water is able to seep behind the tile, it can cause damage to the wall or floor behind it. This can lead to mold growth, rot, and other serious problems. To prevent water intrusion, it's important to make sure that the tile is installed properly. This means using a waterproofing membrane or backer board behind the tile, and sealing any gaps or seams with a waterproof sealant. You should also make sure that the shower pan is properly installed and sloped to allow water to drain away from the walls.

Becoming Outdated

Finally, it's worth noting that tile can become outdated over time. While tile is a classic look that will never truly go out of style, certain types of tile can look old-fashioned after a while. Additionally, if you choose a trendy tile, it may look dated in just a few years.

If you're concerned about tile becoming outdated, there are a few things you can do.

  • First, you can choose a classic tile that will always look good, such as subway tile or marble.
  • Alternatively, you can choose a more modern tile that you love, with the understanding that you may need to update it in a few years.
  • Finally, you can use tile sparingly and accent it with other materials, such as a glass panel or a natural stone wall.

Tile can be a beautiful and cost-effective option for a shower; however, more home-owners are choosing alternative to tile as their preferred walk-in shower option.

Our walk-in shower solution offers a way to avoid the pitfalls of a tile solution while still providing a reasonably priced option for home-owners that want to create a beautiful walk-in shower experience without spending $15,000-$20,000. And on top of all that, tile installations generally come with a 1-year warranty. Once you hit day 366, you’re on your own.

Talk with us about a walk-in shower option that not only fits your style and desire for beauty but is reasonable priced and carries a guarantee that will last.